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Conference Programme

December 4, 2021 (Saturday) HKT


9:00-9:15 am

Welcome and opening remark: Nicole Huang (Professor and Chair of Comparative Literature); Alvin K. Wong


9:15-10:00 am

Panel 1: Qiu Miaojin and Cinematic Representations: A Discussion of Love and Death in Montmartre 蒙馬特之愛與死 (2019)

Featuring: Gina Marchetti, Mike Ingham, Shi-yan Chao, and Evans Chan

Moderator: Alvin K. Wong


<10 Minutes Break>



Panel 2: Body, Affect, and Pedagogy

  1. Kate Costello, Teaching Translation to Students of World Literature: Notes of a Crocodile as a Case Study

  2. Tze-lan Sang, How Far Have We Come?: From Notes of a Crocodile to Small Talk

  3. T.M. Mamos, Emotional Vectors: Intertextuality in Qiu Miaojin’s Novels

  4. Jenn Marie Nunes, The Motif of Writing and Queer Female Agency in 1990s Taiwanese Short Fiction

Moderator: Pei-yin Lin


Lunch: 11:40am-12:45pm


12:45pm-2:00 pm

Panel 3: Queer Literary Publics and Performance

  1. Chi Ta-wei, Literature as a Public: Qiu Miaojin on Mental Disorders

  2. Alvin K. Wong, Queer Minor Transnationalism in Qiu Miaojin and Wong Bik-wan’s Works

  3. Fan-Ting Cheng, Performing Queer Intervulnerability

Moderator: Calvin Hui


*This session will be conducted in Chinese*


Panel 4: The Legacy of Qiu Miaojin: Writers in Dialogue

  1. Luo Yijun (駱以軍), “Portraits of the Young Artist” 青年藝術家的畫像

  2. Lolita C.F. Hu (胡晴舫), “Dying Young and Withering” 早夭與凋零, excerpt from Anonymity《無名者》

  3. Chi Ta-wei (紀大偉), “What is Love in Montmartre?” 愛是什麼?—看《蒙馬特遺書》

  4. Li Kotomi, (李琴峰), “Situating Qiu Miaojin’s Novels in Japan: Notes on Qiu and Japanese Queer Literature” 邱妙津小說在日本:兼談日本同志文學

Moderator: Nicole Huang


<10 Minutes Coffee Break>



Panel 5: Animality, Cultural Translation, and Queer Aesthetics

  1. Yahia Zhengtang Ma, “Desire” as a Verb: Translating Same-Sex Desire in Qiu Miaojin’s Last Words from Montmartre

  2. Ari Larissa Heinrich, Writing Your Own Obituary: Reception of Last Words from Montmartre among English-language Readers (interview with Yahia Ma)

  3. Carlos Rojas, Animality and the Limits of Language

Moderator: Grace Ting




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