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Grace Ting

Dr. Grace En-Yi Ting specializes in queer/feminist approaches to Japanese literary and cultural studies, with an emphasis on women writers in the modern period and girls’ culture. She is currently working on a book manuscript titled Minor Intimacies: Queerness, the Normative, and the Everyday in Contemporary Japan, examining femininities and queer potentialities within literary as well as subcultural representations of daily life in post-1980’s Japan. Recently, she is interested in finding methodologies and forms of collaboration to situate Japanese texts and discourses within the broader contexts of queer Asian studies and Asian American studies. From 2018-2020, she is serving as co-chair of the Society for Queer Asian Studies (SQAS), an affiliate of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS). Before joining HKU, she taught at Oberlin College and was a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) postdoctoral fellow at Waseda University.

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