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Shi-yan Chao

Shi-Yan Chao is research assistant professor in the Department of Visual Studies at Lingnan University. He holds a PhD in Cinema Studies from New York University, and was an INTERACT postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University. In addition to NYU and Columbia, he has also taught at Hong Kong Baptist University. Beginning next year, he will be a research fellow at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. His latest publications include the monograph Queer Representations in Chinese-language Film and the Cultural Landscape (Amsterdam University Press, 2020), along with several articles on transnational media, independent cinema, film history, creative/media industries, and vocal performance, in academic journals such as Communication, Culture & Critique, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Transgender Studies Quarterly and Chinese Independent Cinema Observer and anthologies such as Sino-Enchantment: The Fantastic in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas (Edinburgh University Press, 2021) and Curating Taiwan Cinema: Thirty-two New Takes (University of Michigan Press, 2022).

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